Jumat, 07 Oktober 2016

BATMAN & DEADPOOL: Criminal Mastermind (One Shot)

"Introducing the legendary comic of all time. Written by a legendary comic fans.
Presented with under 7th children templates, painted with 1$ watercolor. CRIMINAL MASTERMIND.
Watch the most phenomenal crossover of this year. Starring the most consistent superhero and tend to be too serious with his calculator brain, Batman. The fastest and the most annoying anti-hero in this planet, Deadpool. And a common folk who failed  to try his luck as a comedian and found his turning point of his life when he unable to pay apartment rental, The Joker."

Sabtu, 17 September 2016


Hello! this is the concept for my first debut Doujin! I'm glad that I finished the last page yesterday..I still need complete the coloring process..

The Odd, The Bat, and The Ugly
Cover Concept

I don't know if my concept of Bruce Wayne looks like Black Panther or even Spider-Man Ha!
But I like it much.. :)

I want Deadpool more look like a Ninja. So this is the model that finds it according to me. 
or he's more like a SWAT team?? I don't know. Like it too..


I love all things related to fiction; novels, movies, and especially comics. So far I've often tried to make comics as I love therefore a good idea to create a story often comes when I'm driving home, seeing the events around and the desire to share the experiences through a story so big until to several pages (4-5 pages) and the desire began to fade then disappear because I often change my mind or there is another work that so important so that the paper scribbles become cold and are no longer considered.

that I thought to finish a story, I need to be more consistent and confident on the story that I want to make. and the most important, I need the spirit not only from myself but also from others. So I create this blog for sharing my comic books and also to add more spirit for me to finish every comics that I've tried to make.

I want a blog that includes a wide variety of comic books. I want to be free working every ideas that comes to my head and draw the story. Because I like Superheroes so much, I also plan to make Superhero comics but I was worried about infringing copyright publishers like Marvel and DC. I just want to make my favorite characters stories as a fan and I don't take payment by sharing the comics I thought...So my friend said its not a problem he said there are so many Doujin in the internet. What is Doujin? It is from Japanese/Manga where fans make their own story about their favorite characters. Its like a Fan Made to share to other fans.

 So this is my short introduction about this blog. I hope you all enjoy every comics and artworks that I'm going to post in the future.

Sabtu, 03 September 2016


Ide untuk membuat sebuah blog yang berisikan komik-komik buatan sendiri ini sudah lama terpendam. Melihat beberapa blog serupa di internet yang bertemakan komik strip dan lain-lain dan melihat kesuksesan mereka, hasrat untuk membuat blog serupa menjadi kian besar. Kupikir tidak ada salahnya melakukan hal itu karena selama ini sudah banyak karya "Sampah" yang tak kunjung selesai dan tersia-siakan di kotak dokumen coretan-coretan (Doodle) hingga tiba hari ini..
Banyak cita-cita yang ingin dicapai setelah menerbitkan blog ini, tapi hal itu tidak terlalu kupikirkan. Aku hanya ingin fokus pada satu ide dulu dimana aku ingin membuat sebuah blog yang berisikan komik serial (penuh)--bukan komik strip. Aku ingin para pembaca menikmati cerita-cerita yang ingin kusampaikan. Aku ingin membuat karakter seperti yang kusuka dan sukses disukai oleh banyak orang. 
Harapan itu memang perlu adanya kerja keras mengingat ada kegiatan lain sebagai penterjemah komik di BEKTG.COM. Meskipun begitu kuharap aku bisa melangkah jauh dalam membenahi blog yang satu ini. 
Yang terpenting adalah, teman-teman sekalian dapat menikmati karya-karyaku kedepannya dan terus mendukung blog ini karena aku sendiri sangat menikmati bisa berbagi dengan teman-teman yang punya hobbi yang sama. 

Sesuai Tema blog Comic Fans Art, aku sengaja membuat cerita berbeda dari berbagai karakter terkenal yang sudah ada. Ambil contoh Batman, Superman, Iron-Man, Dll..Kukira tidak ada masalah dengan hal itu karena pertama, aku tidak menjual komiknya. Kedua, komiknya buatan sendiri dan cuma bersifat Fan-Made seperti halnya video-video di Youtube. Beranjak dari analogi tersebut maka lahirlah www.comefart.blogspot.co.id 
Mohon maaf jika bahasaku agak kaku..Hah! Aku suka kesan serius saat membuat sebuah SALAM PEMBUKA.

Berikut ada beberapa preview dari Batman Rage semoga diakhir bulan ini aku dapat menerbitkan satu nomer baru. Apakah itu? Kita tunggu saja.